Ant-Man and The Wasp director Peyton Reed dreams of making a crossover film teaming the titular duo with Marvel Comics’ the Fantastic Four. Twenty years ago, Reed was involved in the early efforts to produce a Fantastic Four movie. Though the project passed into other hands, the desire to bring Marvel’s first family to the big screen never left Reed’s mind and now he wants to help bring the team into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

First appearing at the dawn of what became known as the Silver Age of Comics, The Fantastic Four was a revolutionary comic book in several respects. While teams of super-powered people were nothing new, the Fantastic Four marked the first time such a team was formed from a family dynamic. It was also one of the first comics to depict superpowers as being as much of a curse as they could be a blessing, as in the case of Ben Grimm, whose monstrous form as The Thing made him a figure of fear and ridicule. The series was also unique in that the Fantastic Four were a team of adventurers, whose stories usually centered around exploring other dimensions and fighting rival scientists rather than thwarting bank robbers and costumed criminals.

Reed spoke about his love of the Fantastic Four as part of a interview with Forbes. When asked about the possibility of making a Fantastic Four movie set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Reed was agreeable and noted that a tie to Ant-Man and The Wasp might be the easiest way to accomplish that, given their thematic synchronicity as science-based superheroes.

“I stand by the fact that the Fantastic Four, the comics, are the crown jewels kind of thing and that I think there is still an amazing, unbelievably great Fantastic Four movie to be made. Also, I think thematically the Ant-Man movies deal with a lot of the same things that Fantastic Four does.”

Reed was quick to point out, however, that there have not been any formal discussions along those lines and that decisions about a Fantastic Four movie (much less a crossover with Ant-Man and The Wasp) in the wake of the merger of Fox and Disney are out of his hands. Reed did agree, as a fan of the comics, it’s exciting to see the various properties coming together under one banner in the movies, comparing it to how Stan Lee brought together various preexisting characters to form The Avengers.

While it may be some time before we see the Fantastic Four in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Studios could do far worse than to put Reed on the job. Ignoring Reed’s clear passion for the project and knowledge of the characters, his work on the first Ant-Man film proved his capacity for handling the balance of comedy and action that a true-to-form Fantastic Four film would require. Hopefully audiences can expect more of the same when Ant-Man and The Wasp releases later this week.

“It was exciting when they brokered the deal to have Spider-man come from Sony and be in Civil War and now be in the MCU. Whether it’s X-Men characters or Fantastic Four or whoever, I have to believe that Kevin Feige has at least some general idea in his mind about how that could work. I have no idea and I’m not privy to all that but it’s exciting as a family.”

More: Marvel Comics is Taking The Fantastic Four’s Return Very Seriously

Source: Forbes

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