Warning! Spoilers For Ant-Man #1

Scott Lang is looking to be a new Hero for Hire in the new Ant-Man #1. Unfortunately, it’s hard to pay the bills as Ant-Man, and Scott’s pretty low on cash at the moment, forcing him to look for heroic jobs that also come with a paycheck. While he does get to work with his daughter Cassie every now and then, Scott has to get creative about where he lives in the meantime, even if that means settling for a space that’s smaller than a studio apartment. Like…a lot smaller.

Scott Lang has always been down on his luck. He’s never really been a man of means. An electronic engineer who turned to burglary to support his family, the original Ant-Man Hank Pym gave Lang the Ant-Man suit after he tried to steal it, letting Lang become the next Ant-Man himself -provided he use it do good. Lang then went on to assist the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man over the years, and later became an official Avenger over time. He also created his own security firm. His daughter, Cassie, would grow into a teenager, joining the Young Avengers as Stature (now Stinger). Most recently, Scott Lang joined the Guardians of Galaxy to get away from Earth for a while, as he had betrayed the Avengers to HYDRA during the Secret Empire event in order to keep Cassie safe. Lang has since returned to Earth and helped during the War of the Realms fighting the frost giants. However, during Scott’s absence, his security firm went under and he lost his apartment.

In Ant-Man #1 by Zeb Wells, Dylan Burnett, Mike Spicer, and Eduard Petrovich, Scott Lang gets creative and decides to live in an actual ant-hill in Florida. Unable to afford anything else at the moment, Scott is relying on the hospitality of Pam the ant, who is starting to regret letting Scott stay with her colony. While he promises that they won’t even know he’s there, his loud frustrations on not being able to build a well-paying reputations cause the ants to think otherwise. Unfortunately, Guarding the Galaxy and fighting frost giant doesn’t pay the bills. Thankfully, a woman who works for the Florida State Beekeepers Association is offering a job. Several thousands of bees and gone missing, and the beekeepers want Scott to talk to them to find out where they went. While it might not be the most glamorous job Scott was hoping for, it does come with a paycheck.

Perhaps this job will be a new beginning for Scott to create a new life allowing him to move out of his current housing situation and colony of angry roommates. In the meantime, he is going to have to deal with Swarm, the Nazi made of bees who stole all the insects, Vespa the Specter of Hornets, Thread the Silkworm Ghoul, and Tusk the Rhino Beetle Hulk. Naturally, it’s fall to Ant-Man to stop the other insect-themed villains, but who knows? Maybe stopping them will provide Scott Lang with the reputation he needs to get back on top. It probably won’t. At least Ant-Man is trying and eventually, hopefully, there will be a literal pay off.

Ant-Man #1 is on comic book store shelves now.

More: Ant-Man: 5 Reasons His MCU Arc Should End (& 5 Possibilities For Future Stories