When he was asked about a third Ant-Man solo movie recently, Paul Rudd suggested that it might not be a sure thing, and implored fans to pester Marvel for a threequel. Now, the actor might have just been teasing fans, but there’s a very real possibility that chances for Ant-Man 3 are slim.

The previous two were box office hits, but not as big as other MCU movies, and the franchise’s future seems to be focusing more on newer heroes. Either way, it has sparked a debate among fans over whether or not the MCU needs a third Ant-Man solo movie. Let’s take a closer look at both sides of that debate.

Need it: Evangeline Lilly doesn’t want to do a Wasp solo movie

Evangeline Lilly has said that she doesn’t want to make a Wasp solo movie in the MCU, so if we want to see more of the Wasp in this franchise – which we do – then it’ll have to be in a third Ant-Man movie.

There’s a good chance that the A-Force movie will get off the ground, since the future of the MCU is dedicated to diversity and the “girl power” moment in Avengers: Endgame has drawn mostly positive responses from fans. But as with any team-up movie, the A-Force film won’t have enough time to flesh out a story arc for the Wasp. Another Ant-Man movie is the best chance for that character to flourish.

Don’t need it: Ant-Man’s story is complete

When we first met Scott Lang in his initial solo movie, he was an ex-con who struggled to make ends meet, wasn’t deemed responsible enough to spend time with his own daughter, and didn’t have a purpose in life.

He has since started a successful security business with his buddy Luis, come to an amicable arrangement with his ex-wife where there’s no animosity between them and he can see his daughter, and not only become a superhero, but also proven his mettle by setting in motion the plan that saved the world. So, if Ant-Man’s solo adventures end there, we won’t feel as though there are any loose ends in his MCU journey.

Need it: The Ant-Man movies are a lot of fun

All of the movies in the MCU generally fit the same creative tone, but the Ant-Man movies are decidedly lighter and more comedic than, say, the Captain America movies. They offer a refreshing break from lofty concepts like government conspiracies and universe-wide slaughter, and while we can still rely on the Guardians of the Galaxy movies for humor, the Ant-Man films are the only full-blown comedies in the MCU.

The first one was a heist movie, while the second was an Elmore Leonard crime caper. Director Peyton Reed has plans for a third movie, which would probably bring the character into another entirely different – yet equally fun – kind of story.

Don’t need it: Cassie Lang can take up the mantle

Thanks to the five-year time jump, Scott Lang’s adorable young daughter Cassie is now a teenager, which makes her about the right age to become a superhero herself. She’s always been inspired by her father, so it would make sense for her to take up the mantle and use Hank Pym’s technology to become the MCU’s new shrinking hero.

With the Avengers disbanded following the events of Endgame, some fans are expecting the Young Avengers to make their way to the big screen – they’re a younger, more diverse bunch of heroes, and producer Kevin Feige has already said he’s been considering a Young Avengers movie.

Need it: Paul Rudd is infinitely likable

An MCU solo movie is only as good as its lead actor, and Paul Rudd is one of the most endlessly likable lead actors in the world. He took the comedy world by storm with his string of “bromantic comedies” in the 2000s and some fans doubted that he could play a superhero when he was first cast as Scott Lang. But it’s fair to say he’s nailed it.

How? Because he plays Scott as a Paul Rudd character, and audiences love Paul Rudd characters. Rudd’s unparalleled line delivery earned him all the biggest laughs in Avengers: Endgame – like when he thought Die Hard was a time travel movie – so he’s now as endeared to Marvel fans as ever.

Don’t need it: Ant-Man is a product of the Infinity Saga

Ant-Man was integral to the Infinity Saga (the 22 MCU movies from Iron Man to Avengers: Endgame), but now, we’re entering into a new saga that won’t need him as much. While the MCU’s future seems mysterious at the moment, we do know that it involves Shang-Chi, the Eternals, and further adventures for Black Panther and Doctor Strange.

As a product of the Infinity Saga, Ant-Man might not fit into this new age of the MCU. We’ll still want him around for the larger team-ups, but looking forward into the MCU’s bright future might mean leaving Ant-Man’s solo movies behind.

Need it: Fans want to see more Luis

MCU fans are clamoring to see more from Michael Peña’s Luis, and if there are no more Ant-Man movies, that may never happen. Frankly, fans would watch a whole spin-off TV series following the day-to-day operations of Scott and Luis’ security firm X-Con, so this could be a way to keep fan-favorite characters around without making another Ant-Man solo movie.

Sadly, Disney+ has already announced a massive slate of upcoming Marvel series and none of them involved Luis, so it seems unlikely – even though fans are begging for it and would buy their whole subscription to Disney’s new streaming service just to see it.

Don’t need it: Ant-Man is better in wider ensembles than his own movies

It takes a certain type of character to carry their own movie. A character like Iron Man or Thor or Captain America has the emotional complexity to carry a movie on their own and deliver both the comedic and dramatic goods. But Ant-Man’s greatest moments are when he’s punctuating a scene featuring a few characters with a joke.

In his own solo movies, he does this to undercut Michael Douglas’ heartfelt monologues as Hank Pym. But he’s not really suited to carrying his own movies. Plus, his powers make him better at assisting his fellow heroes in battle than actually fighting his own – for example, when he enlarged himself to save Rocket, War Machine, and the Hulk from the wreckage of Avengers HQ.

Need it: There’s more of the Quantum Realm to explore

While the Quantum Realm played a major role in both Ant-Man and the Wasp and Avengers: Endgame, there’s still a lot of unanswered questions and unexplored areas. The Quantum Realm scenes in the Ant-Man movies were filled with Easter eggs, including an entire city trapped inside a bubble that some fans have seen as a hint at the Black Knight’s existence in the MCU.

Producer Stephen Broussard has hinted that a potential Ant-Man 3 would explore the Quantum Realm more: “Maybe there’s more [in the Quantum Realm] than we realized. Clearly, Janet’s been up to something and has different clothes on and some weapons. Where did those come from?”

Don’t need it: Avengers: Endgame gave Ant-Man’s arc the perfect ending

Every character in the MCU, no matter how big or small their role is, has a fleshed-out character arc that takes them from the moment we meet them, develops their flaws and redeeming qualities, and ultimately gives them emotional closure.

At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Scott Lang received that closure. When we first met Scott, he’d just gotten out of prison and no one was willing to give him a chance. In Endgame, he’s still disregarded and thought to be the biggest idiot in the room when he shows up at Avengers HQ and suggests traveling through time via the Quantum Realm to save the world. But in the end, that’s exactly the plan the Avengers go with. His final moments in the movie, sitting on the porch with Hope and Cassie, gave his character arc the perfect ending.