Anne With An E, or simply Anne as it’s called when broadcast on network television in Canada, is inspired by the series of novels that begins with Anne Of Green Gables. The series, by Lucy Maud Montgomery, has inspired several movies and miniseries over the last century, including the best known 1985 version with Megan Follows in the title role. 

This new version takes more liberties with the source material than previous versions have, fleshing out characters that had no backstory and creating whole new ones. Some of those characters are dreamers, believing in the magic of the world. Those characters would likely feel right at home at Harry Potter’s Hogwarts. 

Diana: Hufflepuff

The Diana of Anne With An E is a bit different than the Diana fans of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s novels know. She’s got a sneaky side to her, like her keeping her relationship with Jerry from everyone around her, but she’s definitely not a Slytherin. This new incarnation of the Anne of Green Gables story has made Diana a lot braver and a lot smarter as well, but she doesn’t quite fit into Gryffindor or Ravenclaw either.

In a lot of ways, Diana is the stereotypical sidekick, which makes her a lock for Hufflepuff. She’s supportive and friendly, easily making and keeping new friends. She’s also incredibly loyal to her family, putting them first, even if she doesn’t always want to. Diana is also one of the hardest working characters despite her privilege. She’s always willing to pitch in when someone needs help, and she tries her best to keep up with Anne’s academic interests.

Jerry: Ravenclaw

Ravenclaw might be a surprising sort for Jerry for a lot of fans. As the farmhand for the Cuthberts, and one of the eldest children in a large family, Jerry is hardworking, kind, and easily makes friends. He could just as easily be a Hufflepuff. Jerry isn’t, however, content with simply working hard and being kind. He wants to know things.

Jerry seeks Anne out early in the series to help him improve his English and learn to read. He has to work to support his family instead of attending school, but he still wants to learn as much as he can. While Anne covers the subjects he might have got in school, Matthew covers his more practical education, and Jerry could almost run the Cuthbert farm on his own.

Josie: Slytherin

If Anne’s school class had a mean girl, it would be Josie. She’s quick to cut people down when she disagrees with them - even her very best friends. Josie isn’t a bad person, but she’s been raised to put her own ambitions before everyone else’s - like a true Slytherin.

One of the best examples of this is Josie deciding to take her mother’s talk of a “take notice board” to heart and create her own notice, wanting to secure herself a match before she leaves school. Josie goes after what she wants, and she tries her best to carve her own path to get it. 

Ruby: Hufflepuff

When Ruby is initially introduced, she certainly doesn’t seem like a Hufflepuff. Instead, she seems like she might turn out to be more of a Slytherin. She’s not as ambitious or as underhanded as the show would initially have fans believe.

Instead, Ruby is someone who simply takes a while to warm up to new people. Once she realizes that Anne isn’t out to steal her friends or the boy she likes, Ruby is ready to be one of her best friends. She’s unflinchingly loyal when she cares about someone, and she works incredibly hard to keep up with the rest of her friends in class, even if she doesn’t want to pursue the same path as them.

Ka’Kwet: Gryffindor

Ka’Kwet is a character introduced exclusively for the series in season three. Montgomery’s novels didn’t touch on the effect Canadian towns had on the First Nations population at all.

When Ka’Kwet befriends Anne, she’s eager to learn everything she can about the subjects Anne discusses with her, which might make her lean toward Ravenclaw. Ultimately, Ka’Kwet’s choices prove that bravery - and Gryffindor - win out. She chooses to leave her family to attend the Residential School, not knowing what’s really in store for her. Once she realizes how brutal the treatment is, she finds a way to escape, and finds her way back to her family. Those are no small feats of bravery.

Marilla: Ravenclaw

Marilla is one of the most difficult characters in the series to sort. She exemplifies traits from all of the houses nearly equally in her portrayal. Her immense loyalty to her little brother would certainly seem like a Hufflepuff, for example, but her logical approach to their lives, and her tempering of Anne’s emotional moments makes her more of a Ravenclaw.

Marilla is often able to use her head more than her heart to solve problems in her home. She might not be what fans think of when they think of Ravenclaw, but Marilla’s intelligence is in the ways of the farm and the inner workings of her town instead of books. Marilla is incredibly pragmatic in her approach to life, but when her emotions get the better of her, she can be as explosive as a Gryffindor.

Matthew: Hufflepuff

Relatively quiet and reserved, Matthew can be hard to pin down if people aren’t paying attention. He comes across as incredibly shy, but Matthew opens up once he’s had the chance to get to know someone. He’s loyal, dependable, and one of the most hard-working characters in the series.

For the most part, Matthew does the manual labor at Green Gables. He has help in the form of Jerry, but the bulk of the work and the errands fall to him. He rarely questions Marilla’s wisdom, following her instructions - except, of course, when it comes to Anne. Matthew is the personification of a Hufflepuff in his loyalty to his family and his work ethic.

Bash: Gryffindor

Like Ka’Kwet, Bash is a character created for this version of Anne’s story. Initially, someone Gilbert meets on his travels, Bash becomes Gilbert’s newfound family when Gilbert invites him to come help with the farm his father left him.

Bash, much like Anne and Gilbert themselves, loves a good adventure. He’s someone who can adapt quickly to change, and he’s someone who follows his heart. It’s the latter that primarily sorts Bash into Gryffindor. Bash isn’t afraid to allow his heart to let him make a decision others might frown upon, like moving across Canada to live with a teenager he’s only recently met.

Gilbert: Ravenclaw

Gilbert’s ambitions might have some want to sort him into Slytherin, but he has a lot of lines he won’t cross to achieve his dreams, unlike most Slytherins. Likewise, Gilbert follows his heart and is very brave, but he’s not quite as headstrong as most Gryffindors. Instead, it’s Gilbert’s mind that leads him.

Even before knowing (and competing with) Anne, Gilbert is the kind of person who absorbs everything he can about the world around him. He wants to know everything, and wants to use that knowledge to help people. That’s why he’s a Ravenclaw.

Anne: Gryffindor

To most, Anne would be a lock for Ravenclaw. There’s a lot of Luna Lovegood the dreamer in her. She can find the beauty in the mundane and she has a gift for words. Ultimately, however, Anne is a person truly ruled by her heart instead of her mind, and that’s what sorts her into Ravenclaw.

Anne spends her formative years fighting her feelings for Gilbert, struggling to find where she belongs, and regularly fighting injustice in Avonlea. She is very much like Hermione Granger in that she loves learning new things, but standing up for what is right and following her passions are most important to her. Anne is a Gryffindor through and through.