With period dramas in vogue again, the CBC has brought fans a timeless gem in Anne With An E. Though the show takes a slightly grittier look on young Anne Shirley Cuthbert’s life, it still glows with her love of adventure. Just now starting its third season, the show has become a hit with fans. There’s romance, drama, social commentary; truly an Anne of Green Gables to make anyone proud and engaged.

The story wouldn’t be the same, though, without the friends that support and color Anne’s life. Whether they’re school friends or kindred souls, all of her playmates matter to Anne. Though, there are certainly some that matter more than others (and they deserve it). Here are Anne’s friends, ranked.

Josie Pye

Even though Josie is the typical meal girl bully, she still hangs out with Anne and all the other girls at school. It makes sense that, in such a small town, kids only have so many choices for friends. However, when Josie isn’t insulting people to compliment herself, she’s just a normal kid.

The show makes it clear that her mother is the one who put so much pressure on her to appear perfect, so she can get some slack for her behavior. It doesn’t stop her from being Anne’s worst friend though, by a mile. Although she can join in on making her happy just as easily as she makes her miserable.

Moody Spurgeon

When Josie was eager to cause drama, she had a kissing party at her house. First to go was Moody Spurgeon and he kissed the beautiful and kind Diana Barry. Since then, he’s had a never-ending crush on Diana. Consequently, he’s also become a better friend to the girls.

When they all went on their heist to save Miss Stacy’s job, Moody came with them. Miss Stacy’s teaching really impressed him, and he felt guilty for playing a part in getting her in trouble.

Moody may be clumsy, but he has a lot of heart. While he’s not very close to Anne, she can at least call him a friend.

Tillie Boulter

As one of the girls in Anne’s class, they eat together every lunch. Tillie is honest and a little judgy, but all it takes are some good strawberry tarts to sway her (who could blame her)? Tillie isn’t very close to Anne, but she comes to all of the parties with the other girls and spends her school days with them. She also is proud to tell everyone that two different boys want to walk home with her at Anne’s birthday party.

However, being in the same social circle doesn’t make people inherent besties. Tillie is still much closer to Josie Pye than Anne and when they’re at odds, she’s still more likely to stick by Josie’s side.

Jane Andrews

When Anne joins the Avonlea classroom, Jane is fascinated by her hair and how different she is. While she sticks by Josie Pye, she at least seems interested in the new girl.

Over time, though, Jane grows closer to Anne. She and the other girls eventually start spending their school days with her and helped Diana make her 16th birthday magical. Also, Anne helped Prissy run away from a horrible marriage, which will always be important to Jane. They aren’t best of friends, but Jane is still there for Anne.


While Ka’kwet and Anne don’t know much about each other, their day together was very important to both girls. They were happy to find kindred spirits in one another, as both love nature, new ideas, and adventure. The only thing keeping them from being the best of friends is time.

Right now, Ka’kwet and Anne have only spent a few hours together in season 3. Over time, their beautiful friendship will no doubt blossom into something amazing. For now, though, Ka’kwet is just a fantastic new friend.

Jerry Beynard

The Anne Shirley Cuthbert that fans met season 1 would be surprised to see Jerry this high on the list. Despite her expectations, though, their rivalry has turned into a strong friendship. Jerry has become more like a cousin to Anne, someone she cares for and they help each other out.

Their trip to Charlottetown really changed their dynamic. Desperate to save the farm, they came together as friends and family rather than enemies. Now, Anne helps Jerry learn to read and they banter affectionately. They’re pretty good friends after everything they’ve been through.

Gilbert Blythe

From the second Gilbert Blythe met Anne, he had a crush on her. She stood out from the crowd, with her spirit, wordiness, and red hair. They both had hard lives and seemed to connect through that. While their early relationship included a lot of stumbling around, they’ve forgiven each other for their mistakes. Nowadays, they have mutual affection and respect for each other.

Though no romance has officially bloomed between them, both have given hints about their feelings. With so much going on, between babies and family passing on, at least they have been there to support one another.

Ruby Gillis

Gilbert and Anne may have a bond, but Anne helped save Ruby’s house and it attached the small, adorable young lady to her side. Ruby may not be as scholarly as Anne, but she appreciates everything romantic about the world like she does. At first she treated Anne poorly, but they became fast friends.

As former members of Anne’s storybook club, Ruby, Anne, and Diana are a close trio of friends. Ruby may not always understand what Anne’s saying, but she does always support her. That’s a good friend there (even if her adoration of Gilbert is a bit awkward).

Cole Mackenzie

From the second Mr. Phillips forced Cole to stand in front of the board, he and Anne were kindred spirits. An artist at heart, Cole was far less brutish than the other guys and Anne’s friendship was a godsend. It made all the bullying from Billy Andrews easier to handle.

After he saved her at the kissing party, they became inseparable. He joined the clubhouse, went on adventures with her and Diana, and was the most devoted of friends. Even though he lives in Charlottetown now with Aunt Josephine, their bond is still just as strong. No one else accompanied her to the orphanage, did they?

Diana Barry

Cole may be wonderful to Anne, but no one can beat her best bosom friend, Diana Barry. Anne was convinced that the pretty, rich girl next door would hate her like the girls from the orphanage. However, Diana was enchanted by Anne and her stories. They started the storytelling club, Diana defended Anne against everyone at school, and Anne helped save Diana’s sister, Minnie May.

Every time their friendship was in jeopardy, the two girls were devastated and for good reason. They are two of the most devoted, loyal, and loving best friends that ever lived. The fact Diana’s family traditions might break them up is completely tragic. Hopefully, she and Anne can find a way to save Diane from Paris, because an Anne without Diana just doesn’t make sense.