In a world of high drama, high violence TV, the Canadian darling Anne With An E prefers to serve up wholesome, historical community stories with modern twists. Sure, there are traumatic and heartbreaking moments. However, in the end, Avonlea comes together as a town to try to make things better.

The only reason this little northern town feels so lovely is because of the people in it. So many families, even the ones with bullies for children, are still at their core decent neighbors. It’s refreshing in a television era where kings and queens reign and so does patricide. But, some of these families are a lot better than the others and they deserve recognition for the good they do.

Pye Family

Josie’s parents adore her, but her family has a bit of an image problem. Mrs. Pye puts all her emphasis on beauty and marriage. It’s no wonder she ended up a bully. They only put value on her beauty and never encouraged her to have any other interests. The older she gets, the more tips and tricks her mother gives her to land a husband, and a wealthy one.

Poor Josie never stood a chance. Her family aren’t bad people, they just are obsessed with image. In a progressive show, they are very stuck in their ways.

Andrews Family

The Andrews family is a mixed bag. On one hand, there’s Billy Andrews, the rudest and meanest young bully in Avonlea. He’s cruel to Anne, Cole, and even Gilbert when it suits him. However, the women of the Andrews family are hopeful, wholesome ladies.

Mrs. Andrews wants to raise her girls to want more than just marriage. Prissy is naive and loving, but also bright. And Jane may be young and impressionable, but she’s generally nice and friendly.

The Andrews family is wealthy and isn’t perfect, but at least some of them are working really hard to improve.

Gillis Family

Fans don’t know too much about the Gillis family, but even the few moments with them have been indicative of their personalities. They appreciate their community and respect anyone willing to give other people a helping hand. While a lot of people can be judgy of the Cuthberts and Anne, they don’t act that way. Well, Ruby did, but her parents refused to let her stay that way.

Ruby may not be the smartest girl, but she does have a beautiful smile and a loving heart. All Anne had to do was get through her school clique sensibilities to find the romantic underneath.

Lynde Family

If new residents of Avonlea want a family to take them in and introduce them to everyone else, look no further than the Lyndes. Rachel and Thomas are community leaders involved in church, school, and tons of social events. While they may be a little nosy or eat all your sweets, at their core they are very kind, caring people. (After ten kids, it makes sense).

They just have old-school sensibilities and sometimes it takes a while to get them to look past those.

At the very least, they just want what’s best for their community, even if sometimes they are a little misguided.

Spurgeon Family

Sensitive and open-minded, the Spurgeons are a great family that doesn’t make much of a ruckus around Avonlea. Fans have only seen a glimpse of Moody’s mother, and his father is only revealed in an errant reference (someone called him a minister’s son), but they are kind people.

The minister was willing to dress up to amuse the kids during Christmas and Moody was willing to do a train heist to save Miss Stacy’s job. Even if they are quieter and shyer, they care deeply for the town they love. That’s a family of good people that don’t get nearly enough screen-time.

Barry Family

The Barry family is a complicated, but positive force in Avonlea. Arguably the most posh and wealthy family, the Barrys host almost all the community events at their home and plan to send their daughters to finishing school in London. They are super polite and generous to their neighbors.

However, they can be a bit stuck up and the parents aren’t always on the same page, which can hurt their daughters.

In the end, though, the Barrys always figure things out and come together as a family.

Ka’Kwet’s Family

Ka’kwet is a new character this season, the adventurous and sweet daughter of a local Native American family. However, it’s not just Ka’kwet that’s great. Her family is also fantastic. While they don’t trust their white neighbors that much, they’re super respectful (more than the people of Avonlea might deserve). The whole family communicates well and come to agreements on things, a well-functioning unit of people who love each other.

They all have great abilities with ribbons, beads, those awesome hockey sticks, and more that help keep their tribe working together. More families should want to be like them.

Lacroix Family

After losing his father, Gilbert needed family. Lucky for him, he found a new brother in Sebastian Lacroix, a hardworking steamboat worker. In the dreary situation, they brightened up each other’s lives. Bash brought spice into Gilbert’s life, and young Mr. Blythe brought stability.

Ever since, Bash only made things in Avonlea better. He saved the doomed Blythe farm, he fell in love with and married the beautiful Mary, and he had the ever-so-adorable Delphine. With so much love in his heart, the Lacroix family that Bash made in Avonlea is one of the best parts of it.

If only it could stay one of the best forever.

Blythe Family

For a long time, the Blythe family only consisted of Gilbert and his father, John. Gilbert traveled, tried to run the farm, and cared for his father when he got ill. Even though things were far from perfect, they were devoted to one another and loved each other deeply. Unfortunately, John passed away, leaving Gilbert the only Blythe left.

However, that didn’t stop the Blythe family from being one of the best in Avonlea. They always were kind, adventurous people who worked as hard as they dreamed. The family never looked down on other people and were always willing to being outsiders to Avonlea. John brought his wife and Gilbert, and Gilbert brought the wonderful Bash and Mary. John raised a wonderful kid who honors the good Blythe name.

Cuthbert Family

Of all the families in Avonlea, the Cuthberts are by far the best. Despite all the hardships they faced and all the opportunities they lost, they still were kind, helpful, humble people. Whenever there is a tragedy, they are there to help out in every way possible. In times of celebration, they always bring food and helping hands. They are good people and Anne only made them better, with her firefighting, child-saving skills.

While they don’t have the same social status and wealth as everyone else, they deserve a sterling reputation for all the good they do. They don’t have fancy clothes or little cakes, but they are amazing people with wonderful hearts.