Standing as the fourth film installment in The Conjuring franchise from director and producer James Wan, and the first sequel to the 2014 spinoff Annabelle, Annabelle 2 is slated to reach theaters domestically next year. Following the box office and critical success lauded onto The Conjuring 2 earlier this year, it would appear that the possessed doll from Wan’s highly lucrative horror series could be the star of another potential blockbuster movie event.

Directed by David F. Sandberg (Lights Out) and written by returning screenwriter Gary Dauberman (Annabelle), the latest installment in The Conjuring series of horror films will feature a doll-maker who opens his home to a nun and several girls after they lose their former lodging at a local orphanage. Unfortunately for everyone involved, one of the doll-maker’s prized works is the possessed Annabelle, who will inevitably wreak havoc among the young and unsuspecting children. The teaser trailer for Annabelle 2 has now been released online, too.

In the footage featured above, distributor Warner Bros. Pictures teases audiences with a brief glimpse of an unfortunate tea party set for two in Annabelle 2. Starring Stephanie Sigman (Spectre) as the kindly Sister Charlotte, the new movie looks ready to scare the pants off anyone eager for more after seeing the first film in the spin-off series of films in The Conjuring franchise. What’s more, Sandberg has taken to Twitter to unveil an exclusive behind the scenes image in tandem with the brand new teaser trailer. Check out the image posted by Sandberg, below:

With another Conjuring spinoff currently in development (titled The Nun), Annabelle 2 looks primed to deliver fans of the ever broadening horror franchise another reason to remain invested in the empire that Wan helped to build. Annabelle was largely deried by critics when it was released in theaters, but the sequel could well turn out much better, what with the filmmaker behind the acclaimed Lights Out being the one calling the shots.

The Conjuring franchise has proven itself to be a dependable delivery system for sustained scares at the box office, thus paving the way for Annabelle 2 to be another horror movie success story. While the narrative premise that runs through Sandberg’s upcoming film might ring a little stale and cliched with certain viewers, the director’s execution of those ideas might be the real difference-maker in this case.

Annabelle 2 will see theatrical release in the U.S. on May 19, 2017.

Source: Warner Bros. Pictures