Neighborhood cops scrutinized Anna’s British beau, who is likewise 25 years of age. He’s remained in Colombia to assist with the request. Her beau isn’t being explored for any bad behavior.

Anna Tinterova is a young lady who was as of late shot in Columbia. Anna was just 25 years of age when she was killed.

Anna was born and brought up in the Czech Republic. She was holiday in Columbia. She was there for around fourteen days until her beau found her dead.

Her accomplice, with whom she was investing quality energy, revealed her body.

The Prague local was an alum of Charles University’s Third Faculty of Medicine, an English-language clinical school in the Czech capital.

As indicated by her Facebook profile, Anna moved on from the lofty school in 2020 following five years of study.

Anna’s misfortune is a long way from the main appalling demise of a British resident or British resident’s darling abroad as of late.

Anna’s private life is obscure to people in general and isn’t covered by the media. Just the conditions encompassing her demise have been explored. Her folks and relatives had stayed quiet with regards to her demise as of recently.

The specific reason for Anna Tinterova’s passing is as yet unclear.

Police haven’t precluded the probability that Anna was shot during a messed up theft.

As per early reports, she was cut prior to being appallingly shot by the culprit.

Anna was supposedly killed at 7.30 p.m. nearby time close to the side of the road area where her body was subsequently found.

The area is only a couple of moments from the town focus of adjoining Jardin, in the Antioquia region of northern Colombia.

Anna Tinterova’s sweetheart is a British man. The cops haven’t uncovered his recognizable proof at this point.

Despite the fact that he has been recognized in nearby sources, the personality of the 25-year-old has not been affirmed by specialists.

He is certifiably not a suspect in his better half’s homicide, and he is working together with cops well, which is helping them in their examination.

— BluRadio Colombia (@BluRadioCo) September 27, 2021

Her sweetheart is moreover 25, however no data about his birthdate is available.

The media found Anna’s Facebook account, despite the fact that it is as of now inaccessible.