A new Transformers animated movie is in development, which will explore the history of Cybertron. Cybertron is the home planet of the Transformers that has made appearances in several Transformers movies and TV shows over the years, most recently in the opening scene of the film Bumblebee.

While the live-action Transformers movies make the headlines today, the franchise originally started as a toy line from Hasbro and Japanese toy company Takara Tomy in 1984. In that same year, the first Transformers TV show was created, which featured several characters that are well known to this day. While The Transformers is often considered the best animated version of the characters, there have been several other animated TV shows and TV movies throughout the years, including Beast Wars: Transformers, Transformers: Armada, and Transformers Prime. Now it appears that a new animated entry will be added to the series in the form of a movie.

When talking with Metro, longtime Transformers producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura revealed that a new Transformers movie is coming, only it will be an animated adventure. The animated film is said to explore the mythology behind Cybertron and according to Bonaventura, “The fans will love that”.

Besides the switch from animation to live-action, the Transformers franchise has gone through several changes since it’s creation in 1984. Bumblebee is often considered a course correction for the live-action Transformers series that began in 2007. While the film is sometimes considered a soft reboot for the franchise, Bumblebee is basically a remake of the first Transformers movie, since it creates a number of plot holes that don’t connect to Michael Bay’s first five films. Since the Transformers movies often make Paramount Pictures a huge amount of money, there is no doubt that other projects will soon come down the pipeline. Bumblebee’s storyline may not be over as Travis Knight has ideas for Bumblebee 2, and an Optimus Prime spinoff could happen, although Bonaventura thinks he would be a difficult character to adapt for a solo film. Bonaventura has also reassured fans that another mainline Transformers movie is still being developed.

While Paramount has seen success with their live-action Transformers movies, a new animated feature could be popular among fans as well. After all, nostalgia has proven to be a powerful tool in recent years, and creating an animated Cybertron movie would likely make the 1980s Transformers series a topic of discussion once again. The battle sequences on Cybertron have also been some of the most interesting in the live-action movies, so a movie about Cybertron’s mythology would certainly be of interest to many.

More: Exclusive: Bumblebee Director & Cast Respond to Our G.I. Joe Theory

Source: Metro