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Inside this PDF

Section 1- Angular JS Introduction

What is AngularJS? Architecture & Features (First Chapter FREE) AngularJS Hello World Application: Your First Example Program AngularJS Controller Tutorial with Example What is $Scope in AngularJS? Tutorial with Example AngularJS ng-repeat Directive with Example How to use “ng-model” in AngularJS with EXAMPLES AngularJS ng-view with Example

Section 2- Angular JS Expressions

AngularJS Expressions: ARRAY, Objects, $eval, Strings [Examples] AngularJS Filter Example: Currency, JSON, Number, Lowercase AngularJS Custom Filter with Example AngularJS Directive with Example: ng-init, ng-repeat, ng-app, ng-model Angularjs CUSTOM Directive Example [ng-transclude]

Section 3- Angular JS Fundamentals

AngularJS Module Tutorial with Example AngularJS Events: ng-click, ng-show, ng-hide [Example] AngularJS Routing with Parameters: Single Page Application Example AngularJS AJAX Call using $resource, $http [Example] AngularJS Table: Sort, OrderBy & Uppercase Filter [Examples] AngularJS Form Validation: TextBox, Button Click [Example] AngularJS Form Submit with Example [ng-submit]

Section 4- Must Know Stuff!

ng-include in AngularJS: How to include HTML File [Example] Dependency Injection in AngularJS with Example AngularJS Unit Testing: Karma Jasmine Tutorial Protractor Testing Tutorial: Automation Tool Framework


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