Let’s take an Angular form submit example to see how to submit forms in AngularJS. In our AngularJS form submit example, we are going to present a textbox to the user in which they can enter the topic which they want to learn. There will be a submit button on the page, which when pressed will add the topic to an unordered list.

AngularJS Form Submit Example

Now, we will see an example of AngularJS form submit from Controller using ng-submit directive: Code Explanation:

We are first declaring our form HTML tag, which will hold the “text box” and “submit button” control as shown in the Angular form submit event example. We are then using the ngsubmit Angular directive to bind the function “Display()” to our form. This function will be defined in our controller and will be called when the form is submitted. We have a text control in which the user will enter the Topic they want to learn. This will be bound to a variable called ‘Topic’ which will be used in our controller. There is the normal submit button in AngularJS which the user will click when they have entered the topic they want. We have used the ng-repeat directive to display list items of the topics the user enters. The ng-repeat directive goes through each topic in the array ‘AllTopic’ and displays the topic name accordingly. In our controller, we are declaring an array variable called ‘AllTopic.’ This will be used to hold all the topics entered by the user in Step2. We are defining the code for our Display() function which will be called whenever the user clicks the Submit button. Over here we are using the push array function to add the Topics entered by the user via the variable ‘Topic’ into our array ‘AllTopic.’

If the AngularJS form example code is executed successfully, the following Output will be shown when you run your code in the browser. Output:

To see the code working, first, enter a Topic name like “Angular” as shown above in the textbox and then click on the Submit button.

After the submit button is clicked, you will see the item which was entered in the textbox added to the list of items. This is being achieved by Display() function, which is called when the submit button is pressed. The Display() function adds the text to the array variable called ‘AllTopic.’ And our ng-repeat directive goes through each value in the array variable ‘AllTopic’ and displays them as list items accordingly.


The “ng-submit” directive is used to process the input entered by the user for form submit in AngularJS. The processes of submitting information on a web page are normally handled by the submit event on the web browser. The submission of information can be done through GET or POST request. The Display() function adds the text to the array variable called ‘AllTopic.’