You’re tearing it up in Angry Birds, finding elegant smashed-avian-solutions for every level, and then you hit a wall. No matter what you do you can’t figure the level out. Take a peek at these video walkthroughs to blast through to the next level.

If you’re a purist, you’ll just have to keep plugging along until you solve that level. If you’re stuck on Episode 3 and you’d really like to cruise on to Episode 4, it’s worth sneaking a peek. Alternatively, maybe you’ve beat all the levels but you’re having a hell of a time getting all the Golden Eggs. Whatever your motivation you’ll find the solution you’re looking for in the videos below. We’ve divided the game up into all of the thematic levels in the core game followed by the Golden Egg cheats.

Episode 1 – Poached Eggs: Learning the Ropes

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It all seems innocent enough–blue skies, some easy challenges to ramp you up to the later obstacles you’ll face, pigs that are apparently just waiting for avian-death to visit them. The big challenge in the first themes within Episode 1 of Angry Birds isn’t finishing the levels, it’s finishing them with three stars. The three themes of Episode 1 takes place on a series of plains with each theme representing morning, noon, and sunset.

Theme 1:

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 1 Levels 1-5

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 1 Levels 6-10

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 1 Levels 11-15

Theme 2:

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 2 Levels 1-5

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 2 Levels 6-10

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 2 Levels 11-15

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 2 Levels 16-21

Theme 3:

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 3 Levels 1-5

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 3 Levels 6-10

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 3 Levels 11-15

Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 3 Levels 16-21

Episode 2 – Mighty Hoax

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This episode again takes place on the plains of Episode 1. The King Pig attempts to swap out the Angry Birds eggs with cardboard cutouts. This is the only Episode where the King Pig appears twice (because of the cardboard cutout he uses to deceive the birds) and the only episode where he escapes (again thanks to the cutout) without getting an avian beat down. Episode 2 is the last episode with 21 levels per theme.

Theme 4:

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 4 levels 1-5

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 4 levels 6-10

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 4 levels 11-15

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 4 levels 16-21

Theme 5:

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 5 levels 1-5

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 5 levels 6-10

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 5 levels 11-15

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 5 levels 16-21

Episode 3 – Danger Above

Play Video

Episode 3 brings a peculiar swine escape plan; they’re attempting to flee to space with the eggs. Beat downs ensue and eggs are retrieved. You’ll get a sneak peak of the Boomerang Bird in 6-4, he’s locked in a cage within the Pig’s fortress.

Theme 6:

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 6 levels 1-5

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 6 levels 6-10

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 6 levels 10-15

Theme 7:

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 7 levels 1-5

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 7 levels 6-10

Official Angry Birds walkthrough for theme 7 levels 11-15

Theme 8:

Official Angry Birds Walkthrough Danger Above 8-1 / 8-2 / 8-3 / 8-4 / 8-5

Official Angry Birds Walkthrough Danger Above 8-6 / 8-7 / 8-8 / 8-9 / 8-10

Official Angry Birds Walkthrough Danger Above 8-11 / 8-12 / 8-13 / 8-14 / 8-15

Episode 4—The Big Setup

Play Video

Episdoe 4 of Angry Birds introduces the heftiest member of the Angry Birds family. The smaller birds are abducted and Big Brother Bird rolls out of bed to save his brothers. The main birds used in this Episode are the massive Big Brother and the Boomerang Bird. If you pay close attention during this Episode you’ll notice that several of the levels are actually levels from previous Episodes that are under construction by the Pigs.

Theme 9:

Official Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup 9-1 / 9-2 / 9-3 / 9-4 / 9-5

Official Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup 9-6 / 9-7 / 9-8 / 9-9 / 9-10

Official Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup 9-11 / 9-12 / 9-13 / 9-14 / 9-15

Theme 10:

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup 10-1 / 10-2 / 10-3 / 10-4 / 10-5

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup 10-6 / 10-7 / 10-8 / 10-9 / 10-10

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup 10-11 / 10-12 / 10-13 / 10-14 / 10-15

Theme 11:

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup 11-1 / 11-2 / 11-3 / 11-4 / 11-5

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup 11-6 / 11-7 / 11-8 / 11-9 / 11-10

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup 11-11 / 11-12 / 11-13 / 11-14 / 11-15

Episode 5—Ham ‘Em High

Play Video

The title of Episode 5 is a nod to the classic Clint Eastwood Western film Hang ‘Em High and the Episode delivers on a Western theme with the Pigs wearing cowboy hats against an old west backdrop and fortified in mesa fortresses. Once you’ve completed this Episode you’ll have played all 240 core levels of the Angry Birds game.

Theme 12:

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough Ham ‘Em High 12-1 / 12-2 / 12-3 / 12-4 / 12-5

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough Ham ‘Em High 12-6 / 12-7 / 12-8 / 12-9 / 12-10

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough Ham ‘Em High 12-11 / 12-12 / 12-13 / 12-14 / 12-15

Theme 13:

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough Ham ‘Em High 13-1 / 13-2 / 13-3 / 13-4 / 13-5

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough Ham ‘Em High 13-6 / 13-7 / 13-8 / 13-9 / 13-10

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough Ham ‘Em High 13-11 / 13-12 / 13-13 / 13-14 / 13-15

Theme 14:

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough Ham ‘Em High 14-1 / 14-2 / 14-3 / 14-4 / 14-5

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough Ham ‘Em High 14-6 / 14-7 / 14-8 / 14-9 / 14-10

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough Ham ‘Em High 14-11 / 14-12 / 14-13 / 14-14 / 14-15

Unofficial Angry Birds Walkthrough Ham ‘Em High 14-16 / 14-17 / 14-18

Extra Credit: Scoring All the Golden Eggs

Play Video

Golden Eggs are bonus achievements hidden in Angry Birds. What’s most interesting about them is the mixture of traditional and non-traditional places they are hidden. There are several kinds of Golden Eggs which unlock various aspects of the game. The standard Golden Egg unlocks additional levels which can be accessed from the games main Episode selection menu. Additionally if you complete each episode with three stars on every level within it, you unlock a mini-game related to that episode. There are currently 22 Golden Eggs in the game. Unlock them using the following video and tips.

Golden Egg #1: Tap the sun located on the Episode selection screen until the Egg pops up.

Golden Egg #2: Destroy the beach ball in level 2-2.

Golden Egg #3: After you unlock the White Bird in 2-14, go the game’s help menu and tap the check mark four times. On the help screen for the White Bird you’ll see it shooting out a Golden Egg instead of a white one. Tap the Egg to unlock it.

Golden Egg #4: Tap the treasure chest in 1-8 until it pops open.

Golden Egg #5: Open the credits screen, scroll down, and tape on the Golden Egg at the bottom.

Golden Egg #6: Get 189 stars in Poached Eggs.

Golden Egg #7: Get 126 stars in Mighty Hoax.

Golden Egg #8: Get 135 stars in Danger Above.

Golden Egg #9: Get 135 stars in The Big Setup.

Golden Egg #10: Get 144 stars in Ham ‘Em High.

Golden Egg #11: Visit 5-19; Fire a bird at the Golden Egg suspended above the rocket ship.

Golden Egg #12: Visit 4-7; The egg is on the right hand side cliff, hit it with a Yellow Bird.

Golden Egg #13: Visit 6-14; Use a Boomerang Bird to loop around the treehouse and hit the balloon under it.

Golden Egg #14: Open up the Episode guide for Danger Above. Scroll all the way to the right, if you scroll beyond the last level selection screen you’ll see an egg. Click fast!

Golden Egg #15: Visit level 8-15; Under the slingshot platform there is a hidden Egg. Bounce a bird off the trampoline to hit it.

Golden Egg #16: Visit 9-14; Up on the cliff there is a construction hat, use a Boomerang Bird to knock it down and reveal the egg.

Golden Egg #17: Visit 10-3; Use the large Big Brother Bird to bash open the duck statue.

Golden Egg #18: Visit 11-15; The Egg is behind the slingshot platform, nail it with a Boomerang Bird.

Golden Egg #19: Visit 12-12; Smash the trophy with a Yellow Bird.

Golden Egg #20: Visit 13-10; Use a White Bird to cut the rope on the cliff to release the Egg.

Golden Egg #21: Visit 14-4; Use the Yellow Bird to to hit the Golden Egg atop the cliff.

Golden Egg #22: Known as the Super Bowl egg (because of the Super Bowl tie in), it requires some acrobatics with the White Bird that include firing it backwards and straight up. You’ll want to watch the video for this one.

At this point you’ll have unlocked all the levels and gathered most—if not all—of the Golden Eggs (three stars on every level is tough). What’s left? Hitting up Angry Birds Seasons and Rio for more Angry Birds action. Want a walk through for those? Let’s hear about it in the comments and we’ll see what we can do!