Here we’re going to list out all of the birds currently in the game along with each bird’s star rating. That doesn’t sound like much for now and it isn’t, but later, I’ll be adding in their leader bonuses when I’ve got them all on hand. For now, this is a simple unit list and not much more!

Differences Between Birds in Angry Birds: Evolution

Just like many other mobile games, Angry Birds: Evolution has jumped on the gotcha’ bandwagon and has a ton of birds for you to collect – if you get lucky.

The game’s most powerful 5-star birds, and even 4-star birds, are hard to come by. 4- and 5-star birds are where it’s at as they have higher health and do more damage than birds at lower tiers, but the game’s pull rates on them aren’t great. 

Most of the ones you’ll receive are 1- to 3-star birds, which sort of do the job but aren’t strong enough to deal with how quickly enemy strength scales. A flock full of 2- and 3-stars will have more trouble than you might expect. But if you don’t get anything higher, you’ll just have to do your best.

All of the birds you’ll come across have some sort of leader bonus, with most being damage increases for their colors. Some birds have special leader bonuses that make them better suited to leader roles, but unfortunately, they’re not listed here until I can grant a more complete list.

Each color of bird has its own Super Shot type. Super Shots are available after a few turns, depending on an individual bird’s turn timer. Let’s briefly go over them:

Black – Birds of this color jump in the air and attack from a distance. Their Super Shot is the only ability that can actually do damage over obstacles, making it valuable in certain situations. Blue – Birds of this color split into three separate birds to attack. Each one does less damage but this Super Shot is great for dealing with several enemies at once. Red – Birds of this color attack a single target for high damage. It’s straightforward, but effective! White – Birds of this color get a wider attack range, with the downside that their attack doesn’t bounce off obstacles. Yellow – Birds of this color are granted a piercing shot that goes through any enemies it hits. This is great for clearing out mass enemies, but does not pierce obstacles.

With that out of the way, we’re moving onto the character list! The birds below are sorted by rarity and color. Each one can evolve into one of a number of variations, but it takes a lot of work. These are: Basic, Army, Martial Arts, Punk, Science, and Superhero.

1-Star Birds

2-Star Birds

3-Star Birds

4-Star Birds

5-Star Birds


If you’re looking for more informational Angry Birds: Evolution guides, check out some of our other ones, such as our beginner’s guide, team building guide, and egg farming guide.