Costas, who was born and raised in California, experienced a terrible death at the age of 15 at the hands of her classmate Bernadette Protti.

The Miramonte High School understudy Costas was a cheerleader who later became a casualty and was killed by Protti for some dumb reasons.

Presently, over 3 decades later individuals are as yet talking about the wrongdoing which drove Costas to be killed at an early age.

The talked-about murder story has been adapted for big screens through films and documentaries however before diving into within details of the occurrence we should discover.

Bernadette Protti aka Angela Delvecchio is in Portland, Oregon with her husband and kid.

Protti changed her name to Jeannette Butler legally after the awful occurrence.

Later, she married her husband and is currently officially referred to the world as Jeannette Tomanka. She is a happily married woman partaking in her life as a mother.

Be that as it may, before her autonomous life, she was condemned behind the bar for nine years yet she was released after seven years on parole.

Protti was released in 1992 at the age of 23 while the casualty’s family firmly went against her release.

Angela Delvecchio is a character portrayed by an actress Kellie Martin as Bernadette Protti.

The homicide of Costas saw the T.V film made by William A. Graham named ‘A Friend To Die For’ also known as ‘Death of a Cheerleader’.

The film became a classic which was again remade by Lifetime in 2019 with the same title presently starring Aubrey Peeples as fictional Bernadette Protti.

Talking about the episode which is as yet in talks to date, Protti killed her companion Costas in the casualty’s home stabbing her by a 18-inch long butcher blade.

According to the police, Protti attracted her school companion Costas to a fake party which made her angry after finding that she was staged for something fishy.

The young ladies argued for some time and after Costas returnd her home Protti discovered her way to kill Costas. The motivation behind the killing is viewed as Protti being jealous of Kristen’s high-profile life and not getting gotten for cheerleading.

Bernadette Protti is an essayist and blogger of healthy food preparing tips and plans.

She has been active as a blogger for more than 14 years now and other than that she also functions as an occasional retail market consultant.

It took the police almost 6 months to find Costas’ killer. Protti passed a lie detector test, but her alibi went More..

— Murderific True Crime Podcast (@MurderificBPC) June 23, 2020

Further, Protti aka Jeanette Tomanka is an amateur freelancing photographer and a yoga practitioner as well.

Protti was a California-raised woman who later changed her name and moved to Oklahoma after being released. Jeannette functioned as a medical attendant and then, at that point, married and moved to Oregon with her family.

Tomanka had filled in as a marketing item manager as well.