The hype behind teen drama shows was a unique time in television, with series about monsters and other beings a true fad back in the 1990s. Of these shows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel have remained widely popular, with the titular protagonist of the latter series earning the distinction of becoming a breakout character. 

With such popularity comes a load of memes, and fans have been clever in the ones they craft for Angel and his show. Get ready to laugh, as we present Angel: 10 Hilarious Memes That Are Too Funny.

Could There Be More?

This meme will resonate most with the fangirls who watched the series for the handsome cast members on display, with Angel himself being the one with the most drawing power. Now that we’ve had other shows with angels prominently featured, the person behind this meme finds it hard to move on.

To this end, they’ve come up with a picture of Angel asking how he could qualify “an angel” if he’s supposed to be the only one, even though he’s a vampire. Fans will agree that when it comes to the titular protagonist, there can be no other angel to consider.

Don’t Get In The Middle Of This

The rivalry between Spike and Angel was one for the ages, with their dynamic being such that viewers would make up fan fictions of the two secretly being in love, although both series preferred to show them in an antagonistic relationship.

Most of their interactions had them confront the other threateningly, which eventually became something of a long-running joke since the two would almost always meet each other in this manner. For this reason, we appreciate this inside joke meme.

That Anguish

We never got to see Buffy and Angel remain together as Angel’s spin-off effectively ended the chances of them becoming a couple again, but even their first romance was a disaster. Every fan remembers the feeling when their first hookup went wrong.

It appeared as if we might have had some time to process the two as a couple, only for them to hit a snag with Angel becoming evil and all. Pretty much every fan had the same expression as Dawson did when things went bad for Angel and Buffy.

Come To The Whedon Side

It’s inevitable that you’ll end up becoming an Angel fan once you decide to go through Joss Whedon’s filmography, since the show only ever needed one viewing to capture an audience for good. You can consider it as Angel feasting on your free time, because binge-watching is a must.

For some, the series turns out to be even better than The Avengers was, which is really saying something since that film happens be one of the highest-grossing movies ever. When you’ve got Angel, why go for a superhero movie?

Cute Comparison

We got more memes out of the Supernatural series than Arrow or Angel, but the latter manages to exceed the feat of its protagonist’s time in Hell. As we know, Angel went to Hell in the second season finale of Buffy, only returning after what equated to more than several decades.

Since time passed differently there, it is implied he might have even spent centuries in the Hell dimension, which makes Green Arrow and Dean Winchester’s time pale in comparison. Plus, considering Angel still looked the way he did, he totally made going to Hell look like a piece of cake.

Nothing Beats The Originals

The late-2000s had a craze over the Twilight series as millions of fangirls lost their minds over the romance between the vampire Edward and the human Bella. But while the films have aged rather well, there’s still no beating the original dynamic.

Angel and Buffy’s romance is one that nobody tires of, and new fans also agree it has an evergreen quality that allows the pairing to feel fresh even two decades after it was first aired. After this, every other couple with a similar theme feels like a knock-off. Try beating that, Edward and Bella.

Shots Fired

A common criticism of the Twilight vampires was how they sparkled in the light, which took away their intimidation factor and led to many jokes being made at their expense; you won’t find such problems with Angel.

Here, the vampires not only looked the part, but also featured characters who could pull off looking either like youngsters, or old enough to be taken seriously. A funny thing here is how this is a meme within a meme, as another fan took issue with Angel and Spike’s in-universe dates of birth not being used.

Who Can Resist?

The great thing about having a character be derived from one series and go onto his own spin-off is that you can have double the shows to watch. When it comes to Angel, fans have more material since he was on Buffy for a significant period of time as well.

For this reason, this fan just can’t get enough of both series as everyone’s favorite vampire makes appearances on both shows. It goes to show that even the Most Interesting Man in the World can’t resist watching Angel onscreen.

Don’t Remind Us

Newer fans have a hard time stomaching the fact that Angel never returned for a sixth season, which greatly interrupts the binge-watching experience since the finale was open-ended. This perpetual cliffhanger continues to bog fans.

Although you can catch the follow-up to the events through the comics, it’s obviously not the same thing, as the TV canon ended with Angel and his friends running into what seemed like certain death. Don’t worry, Willow, we all have the same reaction as you if someone reminds us that Angel Season 6 doesn’t exist.

Nothing Beats That Surprise

The chance of this happening has become rather scarce in recent times since people mostly watch streaming services now, but the odd person using DVD systems can attest to the delight when this coincidence might happen.

Checking out random DVDs with nothing written on the disk can be a real drag, but finding one of them to be an Angel season would make it something like receiving a present even if it wasn’t your birthday. That’s the power of Angel.