As well as following Cassian, Andor will in like manner see the improvement of the Rebel Alliance as many characters stand firm against the Empire. Said characters consolidate Star Wars’ Mon Mothma (played by Genevieve O’Reilly), Stellan Skarsgård’s Luthen Rael, and Forest Whitaker’s Saw Gerrera. The series will see Cassian join these characters and become a moderate for the Alliance. No matter what various legacy characters appearing, Gilroy stays settled that their appearances will not be used for fan organization.

The Star Wars foundation has had an incredibly fascinating relationship with fan organization. Its most sketchy usage of it came in The Book Of Boba Fett, where both the story and, shockingly, the title character expected a lower need corresponding to the presence of characters like The Mandalorian’s Din Djarin and Grogu, Ahsoka Tano, and even Luke Skywalker himself. While various watchers were excited to see these characters, these creative choices were sentenced for coming to the burden of Boba Fett’s story. As communicated in the gathering, it’s this kind of fan organization that Gilroy plans to avoid, yet given the gigantic possible results and interconnected nature of the Star Wars foundation, that could be more energetically than imagined. In this way, notwithstanding the series’ objectives, avoiding any kind of platitude fan organization may be extremely troublesome.

Might Disney anytime Really Avoid Its Fan Service Tricks With Andor? Saw Gerrera in Andor Despite Tony Gilroy’s interest that no fan organization will be consolidated, working around some of it considering Andor’s setting is troublesome. Despite legacy characters like Mon Mothma and Saw Guerrera appearing, the series will get back to planets, for instance, Coruscant, which will feature political conversations like those remembered for the Star Wars prequels. This makes it possible for characters, for instance, Palpatine to appear and possibly have a critical impact. While definitely no piece of this is naturally something awful, it gambles overshadowing the series’ middle story following Cassian, comparable as The Book Of Boba Fett’s fan organization did with its own story.

— Almanaque Disney (@almanaquedisney) August 31, 2022

Until additional notification, how much fan organization in Andor isn’t yet clear. Regardless, it’s perfect to understand that Tony Gilroy has adequate confidence in the series to ensure that fan organization doesn’t obscure what he hopes to present. Accepting any should feature, it will preferably be done with the end goal that organizations Cassian Andor’s story instead of being there for it. Considering that, there’s a ton to be amped up for once Andor debuts.