Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down with the channel’s creator, Alex Damon. With more than 300,000 subscribers, SWE, which covers all things Star Wars via live streams, lore videos, news, and more has more than 800 videos, many of which have been created and archived over the past two years. 

GameSkinny: So I want to start with before YouTube; what gave you the idea to start a Star Wars channel?

GS: As your channel has grown with more subscribers and views, how has the Star Wars community been on YouTube?

GS: And you went to Star Wars Celebration Orlando, right? Did you do a fan meet up there?

GS: So switching gears slightly, YouTube’s news a few weeks ago was a change to the amount of revenue received after 10,000 views. What was your response to it?

GS: So back to the more fun stuff; what was your reaction to the new game, Battlefront 2, seeing the leaked trailer before Celebration and the full one revealed during the panel.

GS: What do you think of the new character, Iden Versio, and Inferno Squad?

GS: So Captain Phasma is confirmed in-game. What do you think her role will be in The Last Jedi?

GS: So we know the panel confirmed that this would be a canon story, I believe the first one in a video game that’s not including Rebels. Do you think this is something they’ll do more of in the future?

GS: From the earnings call earlier this week, EA said [Battlefront 2] will have three times more content. While that doesn’t translate evenly into however many heroes or worlds there are, now it’s three times more [Star Wars]. How do you think they’ll handle that promise?

GS: We did an article maybe a month ago about heroes and villains we want to see in the new game. Are there one or two from either side you want to see in the next game? Even if they’re from Rebels or something.

GS: Are there any others you’d want, like a big wish, just throw it up there and maybe EA will hear it?

GS: There it is. Will they ever put Jar Jar in the game?

GS: Do you think they’ll even bring themselves to design Jar Jar?

GS: How do you think the inclusion of battle droids will work. Like in the current game, rolling is a big part of gameplay. So would it be weird to see a droid roll or have one jetpack around?

GS: Earlier you mentioned the big meet up and just in researching your videos, I came across a few where you did collaborations with Battlefront Updates. How’s collaborating with him or others been?

GS: So you’ve recently been doing a lore series on my favorite game, Knights of the Old Republic. Do you think Star Wars should do any more – gaming wise – with that?

GS: I know there’s been a fan petition to make KOTOR into a Netflix series. While I personally don’t think it will happen, who do you think Lucasfilm would trust to make that?

GS: Are there any other things you hope Star Wars goes back into, a KOTOR 3, another Republic Commando, or my dying wish of a Bounty Hunter 2?

I would like to extend an enormous thank you to Star Wars Explained’s Alex Damon for taking time to speak with me, and hopefully, there will be more discussions about all things Star Wars gaming in the future. 

Until then, you can go to Damon’s main channel or follow the adventures of Alex and Mollie as they vlog – or follow both Alex and Mollie on Twitter and support all they do for Star Wars on Patreon. 

Also, a big thank you to Star Wars Photoshop, who created the header for this story. You can follow them on Twitter and Instagram for more.

Stay tuned to GameSkinny for all things Star Wars gaming!