Amy Adams has been nominated five times for an Academy Award and shines equally in comedies and dramas.  Her most recent role is portraying Lynne Cheney in Vice, a biopic about Vice President Dick Cheney’s time in the White House.

Screen Rant: I want to congratulate you on your three Golden Globe nominations.

Screen Rant: So, I want to talk about– The film has a very particular tone.

Amy Adams: Thank you.

Screen Rant: And finding that balance for the tone, I’m sure it was something that you guys had to consider and worry about. Was there any particular scene that you were either most excited to approach or nervous about in terms of balancing the tone?

Amy Adams: Yes.

Screen Rant: When the Shakespeare scene happened, we laughed.  I got exactly what you guys were going for.

Amy Adams: I think that the scenes that I get nervous about are also the scenes that I’m the most excited about. Because as an actress I feel those are the times when I grow and those are the challenges I get to take. I mean there was a lot of different scenes, but I bet I think the Shakespeare scene was the one– that especially having never done Shakespeare. I was like, “I want it to sound like we’re doing Shakespeare.” But I appreciated, what we were communicating in that moment. So, I just tended to focus on what we were communicating about them as a couple. And their hopes and what we were trying to tell inside the story with that scene.

Screen Rant: I’m sure he did plenty of research and one of the reasons I brought these [books].

Amy Adams: Yeah, I mean Adam has so many interesting techniques that take you out of traditional filmmaking. And he like blows the rules out of the water and asks the audience to follow with him.

Screen Rant: Did you read these as research?

Amy Adams: I know, I love it.

Screen Rant: The Washington book.

Amy Adams: I don’t know that I read that one.

Screen Rant: What did you get out of reading these books?

Amy Adams: Yeah, I did that one. And I did A for Abigail. I thought that was A for Abigail, but it’s not. But she wrote many. Education and history is one of her passions. And she was on the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Screen Rant: Was there anything in the research that really stuck out to you? Was there anything she said?

Amy Adams: I think one of the things that it told me, is just that Lynne’s relationship with America, whether you agree with her point of view and her way of seeing it, she has a deep relationship with patriotism and with America. And you understand that she really believes in what she’s doing and what she’s saying.

Screen Rant: That’s great.

Amy Adams: What was interesting is, it would’ve been easy to look at what was available as far as current, more current. And to place judgment on how I was going to play this character. But what was important to me, was to go back and look at the earliest information I could find about her. She wrote another book about growing up, a memoir, it wasn’t an autobiography. She called it a memoir about childhood and family about growing up in Wyoming. And that’s what, when I really started to understand like the nature of her ambition and focus. And that really helped me.  Because she set out to be like a state champion, baton twirler. And she did it. And she set out to become, I think it was called Best Girl, it was equivalent to homecoming queen. And she did it. If she had her eye on something, she was going to figure out how to accomplish it. So, it helped me understand her.

More: Christian Bale Interview for Vice

  • Vice Release Date: 2018-12-25 Dick Cheney Release Date: 2018-12-25