Earlier this month, a report suggested that Evernote was in a “death spiral” as it cycled through several of its most senior executives. Now, TechCrunch reports that Evernote has cut roughly 15 percent of its workforce, a move that was announced to employees today at an all-hands meeting.

According to the report, Evernote CEO Chris O’Neill told employees that the company had “no choice” but to lay off 54 employees – which equates to roughly 15 percent of its workforce. This round of layoffs reportedly comes as Evernote wants to focus its efforts around product development and engineering:

Evernote has yet to publicly comment on these layoffs, but they follow a report earlier this month that suggested the company was in a “death spiral” amid flat user growth, both i terms of paid users and active users.

In 2016, Evernote faced a massive privacy scandal as details of its privacy policy suggested company employees could read your notes. While the company did its best to explain itself, the privacy concerns sent many users flocking to other note taking platforms.

What the future holds for Evernote remains to be seen, but if both of these reports this month are any indication, the company is certainly facing hard times. Do you still use Evernote, or have you switching to another note taking platform? Let us know down in the comments.