America’s Favorite Horror Movies By State

The United States enjoys watching horror films. There are many horror movie lovers across the country. Even though horror movies are hot all year round, people get spooky and watch their favorite horror movies around Halloween.

While some horror movies are hot across the US, surveys show that some horror movies are popular in specific locations.  According to Streaming Observer, each state has its taste in horror movies. Also, some states like horror movies more than others. Sometimes it’s because some of these movies have their plot set in the state in question. Other times it’s for an obscure reason.

Each State’s Favorite Horror Movie

Everyone who loves horror movies has their reasons for liking them. It could be for the thrill, or maybe it is the gore. Perhaps what makes horror movies scary is how familiar aspects of our lives turn into something horrifying. That’s why certain films are popular in some states. 

Each state in the United States is associated with a classic horror movie. Some movies are linked to many states, but the reason isn’t always obvious (except maybe Texas with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre). 

If you’re wondering which horror film your state loves, let’s get right into it.

Exactly nine states had a favorite horror movie that wasn’t a favorite anywhere else. These states include:

Alaska (Alien)Colorado (The Shining)Hawaii ( Jaws)Minnesota (Psycho)Nevada (Bride of Frankenstein)Pennsylvania (Night of the Living Dead)Texas (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre)Washington (Let the Right One In)

The #1 horror film in 18 states was ”The Ring”. In South and middle America, “The Ring” was well-liked. Despite the fact that some people would not even classify “The Silence of the Lambs” as a terrifying movie, it came in second.

A lot of horror movies are disturbing or gory. Unpleasantness, bloodshed and death are parts of horror movies. Why do people enjoy them so much, then?

For a start, horror movies provide stimulation (both positive and negative). Most people watch horror movies to experience excitement, joy, fear, or anxiety. This stimulation makes people enjoy horror movies more. The best part is being aware that these movies are playing on suspended reality. You get to feel the thrill, fear or excitement and go on to enjoy real life also. 

However, you can only derive pleasure from scary movies if you’re in the right mind frame. In the appropriate mental state:

You feel physically safe. You realise that whatever you see on TV can’t harm you.  

You are psychologically detached from the horrors you see. You realise that it is a movie with a script and real-life actors who aren’t in actual danger.  

You are confident in handling any danger that arises.

Horror films aren’t for everyone. If you aren’t in the right frame of mind, it may affect your ability to relax and enjoy a scary movie.


I’m sure your favorite horror movie made it onto the list. Even if it didn’t, that doesn’t make it a bad film. There are many good horror movies that aren’t on the list of favorites. If you were wondering what to watch this Halloween, you could pick any movie from our list. Maybe you can try out something everyone in your state loves. Who knows. You might love it too. 

Are there any horror movies on Disney Plus?

Yes. Disney Plus has various content, ranging from animations to Sc-Fi, and horror. Keep in mind that this service requires a subscription.

Where are horror movies usually set?

There are horror movies set in every state in the United States. Maybe one of your favorites was set in your state too. 

What are the spookiest films ever produced?

According to survey data, the scariest movies ever made are ”It”, ”The Exorcist” and ”Saw”.

Is it possible to access free horror movies?

Yes, you can. There are various sites to watch horror movies for free, such as TubiTV, RetroVision, IMDb TV, etc.